Chialby, a female warrior of the beauty warrior Cheer Knights, will go to the laboratory of ZETA, a secret society of evil science, following the direction of his partner Thiasapphire! ZETA’s bio warrior who stands in the hands of Chialby. The battle begins: Chialby defeats the bio warrior and goes further. That’s where Dr. Daegu of ZETA waited for Chialby. Chialby asks the doctor how Cheer sapphire is going. dr. daijo tells tilby... "Tia sapphire had me help with an experiment... as a result, she disappeared... It was a pity," said thirsty-bee, "that's a lie!" "If you think it's a lie, try it too. My experiment!" suddenly appeared, and the monster that attacked Chialby, "Bio Devil Carotac", was caught in an unfaithful fight, but the power of the carotake scrambled Chialby's power and forced him into the environs. And Carotake slaps Chialby into his belly! Chialby trapped in a caroták stomach bag. Chialby’s body begins to digest by carotac gastric fluid. "No! You'll be digested if you stay this way!" Chialby trying to escape desperately. However, the touch in Caroták's stomach apologises for Chialby and prevents him from escape. Chialby, which gradually dissolves, is the last of its kind. Is it possible for Chialby to escape from the stomach bag, defeat the biomazard Carotake and Dr. Otaru? [BAD END]